Written By T.J. Schippling,
Owner & President
As we prepare for the up coming show season, we have likely started to pay memberships, ensuring our tack is up to date, arranged a trailer or logistics, and planned our schedule. That show schedule usually is very ambitious when we’re looking forward to a summer of horse riding. But have we prepared our horse’s nutrition needs to be successful through the entire season?
When we talk about our horse’s nutritional needs, do we have the proper diet planned to support the needs of an entire season? Is there a plan prepared to address electrolyte and salt requirements, joint and mobility care, respiratory needs, calming supplements and ulcer protection? It is important to lay out your plan for the different weather conditions and the added stressors on your animal before the season starts. Planning and exercising preventative care will equal being prepared for a busy show season.

Equine Choice supplements are a corner stone to diet changes as we move from hay to fresh pasture. They will assist with the weather changes and added stresses during a show season that may include: extreme temperatures, trailering and shipping, busy show schedules, and high stress environments and increased exercise or work.
Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic Granular Supplement is fed daily to assist with temperature changes, feed changes, and providing general overall healthy gut function. The benefits of a daily feed digestive supplement are many. By building a good population of healthy microbes in your horse’s digestive tract you have provided a good foundation to ward off toxins and other challenges that would otherwise overwhelm the microbiome.
Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic Paste can work on its own or as a booster to top up your daily fed Equine Choice Granular Supplement. Did you know, the Paste has more probiotic strains to specifically deal with stressors on the digestive tract as they are occurring. It is convenient to travel with and administer on trailering days as well as show days to provide adequate levels of protection during the show season.
AFX is a must on shipping and show days to provide protection against ulcers and provide a more calm and more responsive equine athlete. This liquid base supplement coats the esophagus and buffers the acid from causing damage in the stomach. It is safe and easy to use, and can be used many times during the day as required. The effort in the prevention of ulcers will be better than the treatment if an ulcer develops.
In conclusion, a well laid out plan prior to the show season on all fronts including the nutrition of your horse will help to avoid preventable injuries and health problems. Please contact one of our Animal Health Specialists to assist with your specific nutrition plan.
- T.J. Schippling, 2022