Written By Robert Fera,
Animal Health Advisor
As we try and navigate the changing world we live in amid economical, emotional, and mental stressors, the one thing that is a constant is the changing of the seasons and caring for our animals. The barn is our sanctuary amid the stressors of everyday life. The smells, noises and the friendly nicker of our horses remind us that our horses rely on us and much as we need them.
As the season changes from summer to fall and fall and winter it is important to look at the feeding plan for your horse and adjust it accordingly to activity level, age, and health status. With summer grass and pasture getting low, horses starting to adjust to cooler temps and eating more hay it is important to adjust rations and make sure your horse's digestive system is working optimally as the hind gut microbiome adjusts to seasonal changes.
Sudden changes to the diet as well as environmental and physiological stressors can wreak havoc on the hind gut and create an acidosis condition, lowering of the pH in the gut causing important beneficial bacteria needed for digestion and immune function to weaken.
Daily use of Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic in your horse's feed will assist in maintaining a healthy hind gut microbiome and help your horse adjust to the changing seasons and feed.
For those horses that live outside or not on a daily ration, the use of Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic Paste at dose rate of 20ml over 4 days will help your horse’s hind gut adapt to the seasonal changes. If your horse gets loose manure with the changing of first or second cut hay the use of Equine Choice Paste will help resolve the problem and restore microbiome function.

Changes to feed and diet work best when we take the time to slowly introduce or change over from other products. This may be the time to reevaluate your strategy.
This fall and winter if you are experiencing any dietary issues with your horses and want to know how Equine Choice Prebiotic + Probiotic all natural supplements can help resolve digestive issues and improve nutrient absorption we’re here for you. Give us a call with any of your questions - 1-800-420-3633.
We wish you and your horses a safe and beautiful fall and winter season.